
You can sync your completed TrainerRoad files with TrainingPeaks and upload your TrainingPeaks structured workouts to TrainerRoad


Sync Completed TrainerRoad workouts to TrainingPeaks


Authorizing the TrainingPeaks, TrainerRoad sync automatically sends completed TrainerRoad workouts to your TrainingPeaks athlete account and pulls TrainingPeaks Structured Workouts to TrainerRoad (but only structured workouts scheduled within 2 days of the current day in TrainingPeaks)

  1. Log on to your TrainerRoad Account
  2. Click Account Settings
  3. Click Connect
  4. Enter your TrainingPeaks athlete login credentials 
  5. Authorize permission for TrainerRoad

Sync Troubleshooting


If the TrainerRoad/TrainingPeaks sync isn't working, log back on to your TrainerRoad Account and reauthorize the sync.

Sync TrainingPeaks Structured Workouts to TrainerRoad


TrainerRoad pulls structured workouts from TrainingPeaks four times per day.  If you would like to manually pull a workout, follow these instructions:

  1. Log on to TrainerRoad
  2. Click Account Settings
  3. Connect
  4. 'Pull Workouts'

Please note, this sync only works if the workout in TrainingPeaks is a structured workout, not a classic workout.  See the difference below:



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