TrainingPeaks Coach Match Service - Becoming A Level 2 Accredited Coach

In order to obtain TrainingPeaks Level 2 Accreditation, a Coach must:

  • Be a paid user of a TrainingPeaks Coach Account for at least 6 months
  • Have attended at least 1 TrainingPeaks University
  • Be certified by a TrainingPeaks-approved National Governing Body (“NGB”) and provide proof of certificate annually (Ironman University is not currently accepted)
  • Possess up-to-date and valid business liability insurance with at least $1 Million (within the US) $250,0000 (outside the US) aggregate coverage and submit proof of insurance annually
  • Provide letters of recommendation from 2 current or past coached clients
  • Provide a summary of his/her individual coaching philosophy in less than 500 words
  • Complete and pass a TrainingPeaks online exam
  • Complete an interview to TrainingPeaks’ satisfaction with a TrainingPeaks Program Manager
  • Agree to and sign these Terms of Use within the online exam
  • Be the only individual using his/her TrainingPeaks Coach Edition Account (Coaches who share an account will not be eligible for TrainingPeaks Level 2 Accreditation)

Once a coach becomes TrainingPeaks Level 2 Accredited, he/she can participate in the Coach Match Service with the understanding that a Coach Match Specialist can remove a coach from this service and the accreditation program at any time, if deemed appropriate.

TrainingPeaks Coach Match Service - Terms and Conditions Summary

A coach must price his/her monthly coaching packages at rates no lower than the Bronze, Silver and Gold Level coaching package with an explanation of and prices listed on the coach’s website.

A coach may find clients through his/her own marketing efforts with no obligation to pay TrainingPeaks a monthly service fee; however,

  • If TrainingPeaks refers an athlete to the Coach through the Coach Match Service and the athlete signs up, the Coach must pay TrainingPeaks a resulting 15% monthly fee. The Coach accordingly will receive 85% of the Athlete’s start-up fee and 85% of the Athlete’s monthly recurring fee. 
  • TrainingPeaks reserves the right to withhold payment to the Coach if, based on the Athlete’s feedback and the discretion of the TrainingPeaks Program Manager, the Coach is not satisfactorily performing his/her Coaching Services.
  • Buyout - If the Coach desires to train the Athlete outside of the Coach Match Service or prefers to utilize other terms or methods of payment for coaching services, the Coach must pay TrainingPeaks a $300 one time buyout fee.


When the Coach and Athlete are matched through the Coach Match Service, the coach must:

  • Notify the Program Manager that the coach has contacted the athlete within 24 hours of the match
  • Provide the services outlined in the applicable Coaching Package for which the athlete has signed up
  • Request that the athlete pay for the Coaching Services through TrainingPeaks
  • Immediately notify the Program Manager if the coach either does not want to, or is otherwise unable to, pursue a specific athlete lead.

The Program Manager reserves the right to re-match the athlete with another coach under any circumstances

If an athlete requests a refund for coaching services within 30 days of signing up, the coach will be required to pay TrainingPeaks for the coach’s portion of the refund amount (85% of the athlete’s fees). TrainingPeaks will arrange to refund the remaining 15% to the athlete.

If, for whatever reason, the coach can no longer accept athlete leads, they must notify the Program Manager as soon as possible.

TrainingPeaks reserves the right, at any time, for any reason, and without prior notice, to (i) declare the coach ineligible to participate in the Coach Match Service, and/or (ii) withdraw the coach’s TrainingPeaks Level 2 Accreditation.

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