ATP Strength Phase Workouts


The ATP suggests weight workouts arranged by strength phase, based on Joe Friel's Training Bible methodology.

AA = Anatomical Adaptation
ME = Muscular Endurance
MS = Maximum Strength
MT = Maximum Transition
PE = Power Endurance
SM = Strength Maintenance

Find the downloadable list of exercises for each sport listed in each Strength Phase section below.


Anatomical Adaptation (AA)




Muscular Endurance (ME)

Cycling, Duathlon, MTB, Running, Triathlon


Maximum Strength (MS)

Cycling, Duathlon, MTB, Running, Triathlon


Maximum Transition (MT)

Cycling, Duathlon, MTB, Running, Triathlon


Power Endurance (PE)

Cycling, Duathlon, MTB, Running, Triathlon


Strength Maintenance

Cycling, Duathlon, MTB, Running, Triathlon


Additional Resources
Click here to enroll in a free, in-depth mini course on using the Annual Training Plan. 






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