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Work - Measure of Kilojoules expended during the workout segment.
TSS - Training Stress Score is a composite number that takes into account the duration and intensity of a workout to arrive at a single estimate of the overall training load and physiological stress created by that training session. The Intensity Factor(IF) is noted in brackets next to the TSS. To learn more about TSS and IF click here.
NP - Normalized Power is an estimate of the power that you could have maintained for the same physiological "cost" if your power had been perfectly constant, such as on an ergometer, instead of variable power output. NP is used to calculate TSS.
NGP - Normalized Graded Pace is the adjusted pace reported from a global positioning system (GPS), or other speed/distance device, that reflects the changes in grade and intensity that contribute to the physiological cost of running on varied terrain. To learn more about NGP click here.
VI - Variability index is normalized power divided by average power.
Pw:HR (Premium Only) - The ratio of Power and Heart Rate as a measure of decoupling.
Pa:HR (Premium Only) - The ratio of Pace and Heart Rate as a measure of decoupling. To learn more about Pw:HR, Pa:HR and decoupling click here
EF (Premium Only) - Efficiency Factor is the difference between normalized power (cycling) or normalized pace (running) and average heart rate for the workout or selected workout segment.
- Cycling EF: EF = NP in watts /AVG HR
- Run/Walk EF (English): EF = Normalized Graded Speed in yds/min / Avg HR
- Run/Walk EF (Metric): EF = NGS in Meters per Minute / AVG HR
Elev. Gain - The total elevation gain in feet or meters during the workout segment.
Elev. Loss - The total elevation loss in feet or meters during the workout segment.
Grade - The difference between the distance traveled vertically and horizontally expressed as a percentage.
VAM - Velocity Ascended in Meters/hr. Often used to measure how fast you were climbing a particular hill, and can be analyzed for any segment within a workout. Elevation and speed are needed to calculate
VAM w/kg - derived Watts/Kg for the climb by using the VAM calculation. Even if you don't have a power meter, you can finally see an estimated watt output. This output will differ from w/kg calculated from power data