Logging your Strength Training Session

You can follow and record your strength training session to keep track of your progress and receive feedback from your coach on your TrainingPeaks app. Watch the video below, or check out the text instructions to learn how to do this:

Please note:

  • The New Strength Builder does not sync to devices as it is designed to be completed using the phone app
  • Strength workouts recorded on devices will not pair with the planned New Strength Workouts and will therefore appear separately and grey (unplanned), but will record hrTSS if available
  • Using the new Strength Builder is a Premium feature. Coaches and athletes on a Premium Subscription will have access to this functionality
  • Athletes on a Basic Subscription will be able to execute strength workouts on their mobile app that are planned by their coach or included in a training plan



Start your Training Session

To begin a training session, open the workout card and select 'Start Workout.' This will allow you to enter your completed data into the workout card. 

Your coach may also include 'Coach Instructions,' to introduce the session's focus or make any other announcements.


Log your Results

Review your coach's text instructions and click on video thumbnails for a demo. Mark sections as complete, or fill in the table prescribed by your coach.

If you receive a prescription or multiple sets from your coach, check off each set, or click into the table to add/edit your results using the keypad, then select 'Done.' The circles on the left will turn blue as each set is completed.




Finish your Workout

Once you have completed the exercise in the workout card, click "End Workout" to save your results. 

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