You can connect your TrainingPeaks account to Rouvy so that workouts completed in Rouvy automatically sync to TrainingPeaks and Structured Workouts from TrainingPeaks automatically sync to Rouvy.
Connect your Rouvy account to your TrainingPeaks athlete account
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First, you need a Rouvy account:
- Log in at
- Click on the gear icon - clouds.
- Choose whether you want to send workouts automatically or manually.
- Authorize your TrainingPeaks account using your TrainingPeaks athlete login credentials (username and password) Make sure you're authorizing your TrainingPeaks athlete account, not a TrainingPeaks coach account or a TrainingPeaks athlete account you don't use.
- If successful, a successful authorization message appears.
Exporting Structured Workouts from your TrainingPeaks athlete account to Rouvy
- You or your coach must add a Structured Workout (not a classic workout with only text instructions) to your TrainingPeaks calendar.
- The Structured Workout must be activity type 'Bike.'
- Rouvy only accepts Structured Workouts built by the parameters Duration and FTP. Read more on how to create Structured Workouts using the Structured Workout Builder in TrainingPeaks here.
- Please note that only today's Structured Workout syncs from your TrainingPeaks account to Rouvy.
Note: If you export the workout of the day from TrainingPeaks and the FTP you have set in TrainingPeaks differs from your set FTP in Rouvy, Rouvy will ask you to synchronize the FTP value set in your TrainingPeaks athlete account. This is optional, but we recommend that you synchronize your set TrainingPeaks FTP (assuming it is set correctly). If you're not sure how to set your FTP in TrainingPeaks review this article.
Syncing completed Rouvy workouts back to your TrainingPeaks athlete calendar
- Once you complete your workout in Rouvy, Rouvy automatically sends the workout file to your TrainingPeaks athlete account.
- TrainingPeaks parses available data fields within the file and shows the completed fields versus the planned fields along with compliance colors.
- Note that post-activity metrics in TrainingPeaks may differ from those in Rouvy. TrainingPeaks calculates post-activity metrics based on your TrainingPeaks set thresholds and zones, not Rouvy.
Exporting a Structured Workout from the TrainingPeaks mobile app to the Rouvy mobile app
Within the TrainingPeaks mobile app:
- Choose the day in your TrainingPeaks athlete calendar that corresponds with the Structured Workout you would like to export.
- Click 'Export Workout.'
- Choose either ERG or MRC as a file type.
- Select the CVT mobile icon.
- Click the 'Ride' button.