How can I pair and unpair my planned and completed workouts?

If your uploaded or synced workout file doesn't pair to your planned workout you can drag and drop the completed workout onto the planned workout to pair them.  If your completed workout uploads to the wrong planned workout you can unpair them by clicking on the ☰ in the upper right corner of the workout on the calendar.

To pair completed and planned workouts

Sometimes, an uploaded or synced workout file may not correctly pair with your planned workout for that day. You can pair the completed workout file with the planned workout by clicking on the completed workout and dragging and dropping it onto the planned workout.

pair 1.gif

You will be shown a preview of the single paired workout and can choose to confirm

Screenshot 2024-08-30 at 12.41.05 PM.png

To unpair a workout file from a completed workout

If an uploaded or synced workout pairs with the wrong planned workout on that day you can unpair them by clicking on the triple dot icon in the upper right corner of the workout on the calendar. You cannot unpair a workout when you are viewing it.

unpair 1.gif 


To pair completed and planned workouts (mobile app)

  • Open the planned or completed workout
  • Click the "…" icon in the top right corner of the workout card
  • Select "Pair Workout"
  • Choose which workout you would like to pair

ScreenRecording_11-01-2024 14-43-56_1_resized 3.11.18 PM.gif


To unpair completed and planned workouts (mobile app)

  • Open the completed workout
  • Click the "…" icon in the top right corner of the workout card
  • Select "Unpair Workout"



Please Note: 

  • If a workout does not have TSS you cannot use the 'unpair' option, manually adding TSS will not override this. 
  • You cannot unpair a workout that does not have planned values. An 'unplanned' workout appears gray on the calendar 

unplanned.gifScreenshot 2024-08-30 at 1.02.02 PM.png

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