Structured Workout Builder FAQ

This article provides more in-depth information about the TrainingPeaks Structured workout builder and common issues or questions you may encounter with it.  For an overview of the Workout Builder and basic instructions see this article.

  • As a workout is created, the Workout Builder will calculate as much information as possible based on the available information. The duration (or distance for distance-based workouts), TSS, and IF will be automatically calculated and entered in the "Planned" details column. 

  • Structured workouts should only have one warm-up block as the first step of the workout and one cool-down block as the last step of the workout. Adding more than one warm-up or cool-down block, or having a warm-up or cool-down block within the middle of the workout may be handled by differing devices incorrectly.
  • Setting intensity using the Zones dropdown is unavailable for coaches in the workout library or on a training plan. Different athletes can have different zones defined, so there is no way for the workout builder to know which athlete's zones should be used in the library. Once you add a workout to an athlete's calendar, the Zones dropdown will appear in the workout builder.
  • When a workout is based on an intensity range the TSS will be calculated from the middle of the range

  • If a 3rd party device or indoor training software (Zwift, Trainerroad, etc) doesn’t support ranges the middle value in the range will be used.  

  • When an open-ended step is used the planned duration and TSS will be calculated based on the set duration for that step

  • RPE workouts in Zwift will run the interval timer and display the RPE target periodically on screen for each step using a "free ride" block

  • RPE workouts on Garmin devices will run the interval timer

  • The minimum duration of any interval is 5 seconds, 0.01 miles or kilometers, or 10 meters or yards

  • Written instructions (Workout Details) for the workout will be automatically generated under the "Post-Activity Comments" Section.

  • When a structured workout is applied to an athlete's calendar the Workout Details will automatically calculate the prescribed heart rate or power targets and the target zone based on that athlete's current threshold and zones settings for that workout type.  This means that an athlete can continue to use the same workout from their library as their threshold or zones settings change over time, and a coach can use the same workout for all of their athlete's without the need to calculate specific targets for each athlete.

  • In order for planned kJ to appear in the workout summary, the workout will need to be built based on % of FTP.
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