Sync your calendar

Sync your calendar to Outlook, iCal or Google Calendar using .ics

This premium-only feature allows any 3rd party calendar that supports web-calendars (.ics) to subscribe to your personal calendar.  A cached connection between Outlook, Google Calendar or iCal is created, showing you 5 days of history and 14 days of future workouts. As you or your coach updates your TrainingPeaks calendar, these changes are reflected in your calendar.

Please note:

  • Due to the nature of the .ics calendar feed feature sending data to a third party program, there is only a limited amount of troubleshooting support we can provide (troubleshooting 3rd party software is beyond the scope of support TrainingPeaks can provide).
  • It can take up to 24 hours for changes made in TrainingPeaks to be reflected on the synced calendar.
  • Only workouts and events are transferred to external calendars
  • Workouts without assigned start times are only noted on the synced calendar. They are not assigned a time slot.


Webcal URL

To get your Calendar Sync (webcal) URL, go to "Settings> Account>Calendar" and then copy and paste the URL into your Calendar software (see below for specific instructions)




Google Calendar

At the lower left of your Google Calendar, in the "Other calendars" section, click on the "Add" link and select "Add by URL". A dialog appears, enter the webcal URL from your Account page


iCal for Mac

Simply start iCal, then go to the menu and click "Calendar, Subscribe". Enter the webcal URL from your Account page



To add your calendar to your iPhone, simply email yourself the Calendar Sync URL, copy the URL from TrainingPeaks onto your clipboard (click the "copy" button next to the .ics link), paste it into an email and send it to yourself. When you check the email on your phone, the Webcal URL will be clickable and by clicking on it, the iPhone will automatically ask you to create a subscribed calendar.



  1. Sign into Outlook on the web

  2. At the bottom of the navigation pane, click the Calendar icon

  3. On the toolbar, click Add Calendar

  4. Click From Internet, and in the Link to the calendar box, type or copy and paste the web address of the calendar

  5. In the Calendar name box, enter a name for the linked calendar

  6. Click Save

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