TrainingPeaks Virtual Custom Configurable UI

TrainingPeaks Virtual supports the ability for you to choose both what and where various metrics are displayed when riding. There are around 50 different custom parameters to choose from, and these can be placed in any of about 20 different locations on the screen.


Options for the data to display include:

  • Basics: Power, Heartrate, Cadence etc.
  • Stats: Averages, Maximums, Normalized Power etc.
  • Advanced: Torque, Left/Right Balance, Smoothness etc.
  • Physics: Draft Strength, Brake Strength, Energy etc.
  • Routes: Laps done / to do, Distance to rider ahead / behind etc.
  • Events: Position, Group Number, Distance to finish/next sprint etc.
  • Environmentals: Altitude, Slope, Windspeed etc.
  • Miscellaneous: Wall-clock time, Team Name etc.

This all means that TrainingPeaks Virtual, just like your in real life bike computer, can now be set up to be exactly how you want it, showing whatever data you need for your training, wherever and whenever you want to see it.

Further, the infrastructure to do this is deliberately open to make adding more data, and more locations, as easy as possible. Requests for additional data to be made available on the configurable UI can be sent to


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