1. To create a new ATP, click on ATP at the top of your calendar and then 'Get Started' or the + icon at the top left.
2. Enter the ATP Name, Date Range, Current Fitness, and Recovery Cycle (note—ATPs must be at least nine months long).
3. Next, choose your ATP methodology. Either average weekly hours, average weekly Training Stress Score, or target event Fitness (CTL)
4. Add an Event(s), and be sure to set both the date and priority. Note: One 'A' priority event is required for automatic periodization.
5. Click Create ATP
If the ATP has incomplete setup information or can't automatically create a plan based on the provided information, then the relevant menu items will be highlighted in red. You can hover over those items to find out more specific information about the error.
Additional Resources
Click here to enroll in a free, in-depth mini course on using the Annual Training Plan.