General FAQs
- Why do my running TSS values seem wrong?
- Structured Swim Workouts FAQ
- Turn off auto renewal
- What health metrics can I track on TrainingPeaks?
- General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Request
- Why does my TSS have an asterisk? (TSS*)
- Peak Performances FAQ
- TrainingPeaks API
- Why is my normalized power lower than my average power?
- How Do I Access Account Settings?
- How do I add a workout and/or metric to my calendar?
- What are the abbreviations on the Map & Graph Summary?
- How to Analyze a file in TrainingPeaks
- Where is my TrainingPeaks Training Plan?
- TrainingPeaks Metrics - How to enter Weight, HRV, Sleep, etc
- How do I change my Threshold Notification Settings?
- How do I move a workout?
- How can my normalized graded pace (NGP) be slower than my average pace?
- How to Fix Your Workout Data
- How Does TrainingPeaks Calculate My Threshold?
- How do I use AutoMerge?
- How do I set up my Annual Training Plan (ATP)?
- Why can't I find my Meals in my Library and/or Meal Plans?
- How do I apply/unapply my plan?