How do I sync to Nix Biosensors?

To connect your Nix Biosensor app to TrainingPeaks please follow these steps:

  1. Ensure you have the most recent app version. The TrainingPeaks integration is available for Nix Solo app version 2.42 or newer

  2. In the Nix Solo App navigate to Settings > Account

  3. Click Link Training Peaks Account

  4. Click Link a new account

  5. Enter your TrainingPeaks credentials to log into an existing TrainingPeaks account, or create a new TrainingPeaks account

  6. Grant permission to Nix Biosensors to communicate with TrainingPeaks by clicking Allow

  7. Your account should now be linked

Step 1.jpgStep 2.jpgStep 3.jpg

                 Step 1                                          Step 2                                           Step 3

To view your data in TrainingPeaks 

Your Nix Biosensor data will display as a Metrics card on your 'Calendar' view:

Screenshot 2024-07-19 at 11.03.54 AM.png

Please Note:

  • Nix workouts completed after the date you link your TrainingPeaks account will automatically sync
  • You may notice that saving a Nix workout takes a few additional seconds. This is due to the additional communication with TrainingPeaks
  • If you cannot see your data on your TrainingPeaks calendar please ensure that you have 'Metrics' enabled in your Calendar Settings: 

Screenshot 2024-07-19 at 11.42.10 AM.png

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