TrainingPeaks Virtual contains a wide variety of settings to enable you to customize your game, your way.
- Pair Equipment: Select which ANT+ / BLE / NET devices you will use in TrainingPeaks Virtual. Note that this menu also allows you to calibrate your equipment in-game, and display other key information about the devices (for example, current battery levels, configured crank lengths, and any special hardware modes that may be active on your equipment).
- Organise Team: Manage your own teams, with the ability to add and remove riders yourself.
- Organise Event: Create your own events, customized to be exactly when and how you like them.
- License & Docs: Review the EULA, hotkeys and other key documents.
- Logout Account: Return to the initial menu and allow someone else to use TrainingPeaks Virtual without needing to restart.
- Audio Settings: Control the sound levels of various in-game noises and background music.
- Graphics Settings: Control the quality of the graphics shown. This allows you to fine tune your display to the capabilities of your computer.
- UI Settings: Control the look of your display when riding, with each element individually toggleable and/or customizable.
- Trainer Settings: Control the feel of your trainer in various in-game scenarios, such as changes in terrain, wind and when working out.