Workout Search

TrainingPeaks has search functionality that allows an athlete or coach to quickly search their TrainingPeaks calendar for the desired workout.

TrainingPeaks Basic Athlete Search


  1. Log in to TrainingPeaks
  2. Click the magnifying glass icon
  3. Enter a workout search term
  4. Press enter to search for a particular workout.
  5. As a basic athlete, you only have access to basic search functionality.  You have access to three search results - any more is TrainingPeaks Premium functionality.
  6. Click on one of the available search results to view the workout. 

TrainingPeaks Premium athlete/TrainingPeaks Coach Account


TrainingPeaks Premium athletes and coaches have access to advanced workout search functionality.

  1. Log in to your TrainingPeaks Premium athlete/coach account
  2. Click the calendar view
  3. Click the magnifying glass toward the top of the calendar.
  4. When the search bar appears, click the 'filter' option
  5. Once you're in the filter view, you have access to various filters with which you can use to narrow down results for your workout search.

Please note, if this is your first time searching, your workouts may need a one=time index by our system and may take a few minutes to complete. 





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