TrainingPeaks Coach
General FAQs
Billing Questions
Athlete Management
- Content Management
- How do I upgrade an athlete to Coach-Paid Premium?
- How can I manage my Assistant Coaches and their Athletes?
- Manage Your Athletes' Accounts
- How do I create an account for my new athlete?
- What are the "alerts" on my athletes on the Home View?
Account Functionality
- Fueling Insights (Beta)
- Using the Strength Workout Builder
- Custom Zones
- Recurring Workouts
- Weather
- How do I share my workout library with another TrainingPeaks coach?
Training Plan Management
- Training Plan Folders
- How do I make my own copy of a Shared Training Plan?
- Unapply or unshare a Training Plan from athletes or coaches
- How to sell your Training Plans in the TrainingPeaks Store
- How to Create a New Training Plan (Coaches only)
- Dynamic Training Plans