Coaches and athletes can import planned .zwo files into their TrainingPeaks Workout Library.
How to Import a Workout File into Your Workout Library:
- Click the ⋮ icon next to your preferred Workout Library folder
- Choose "Import Workout"
- Select your desired workout(s) and click "open"
- The bulk import of files is supported
- .zwo is the only compatible file type at this time
File Conversion Nuances:
- Warm Up and Cool Down blocks in the middle of a workout are converted into a linear ramp block
- Linear ramp block is a stepwise ramp
- 1 step per minute
- If the interval is shorter than 1 minute, we split into 2
- Linear ramp block is a stepwise ramp
- If the % of FTP of an interval is set to 0, it will be converted to a free-ride interval
Import File Custom Code Settings:
Users can add custom code to their .zwo file to add text to intervals, set a specific resistance mode, or make a "max effort" interval.
- Add text to different parts of a workout for your athlete to see on screen
- Text event example code structure:
- !TextEvents:{
} - Example Text Event:
- !TextEvents:{
15:Excellent work! Bring the cadence back down again and let's take a few breaths.;
60:Spin the gear! No bouncing in the saddle here.;
75:Great job! 2 more of those to go!;
120:HIT IT!;
180:LET'S GO!;
195:Nice one! Let's bring it down again.;
- !TextEvents:{
- !TextEvents:{
- Text event example code structure:
- Choose whether an interval is done on the flat road resistance setting
- !FlatRoad:{False}
- Make an interval "max effort"
- !MaxEffort