Manage Your Athletes' Accounts

The Athlete Management page is the easiest way to view and manage your athletes' account information.  

How to Access Your Athlete Management Page


You can view and change the athlete's account type, group, and other coaches they are shared with and disconnect them from your TrainingPeaks coach account.

  1. Log in to your TrainingPeaks coach account.
  2. From the calendar view, choose the 'Manage Athlete View' from the top right.
  3. Your Athlete Account Management Page will load.

Athlete Management Tools


Click To Enlarge

  1. Bulk action - select one or more athletes to move them into the same group, remove them from your account, download a .csv report of information about those athletes, or share them all with another coach
  2. Athletes - all athletes connected to your Coach account.  Click the arrow to sort alphabetically or reverse
  3. Account Type - Click to sort by account type (Premium Coach Paid, Premium Athlete Paid, Basic, Shared).  From here, you can also upgrade Basic Athletes, or Self-Paid Premium Athletes to Coach Paid Premium or Downgrade Coach Paid Athletes to Basic.  You can also view which athletes have Premium Trials or subscriptions that are expiring soon and may require action to stay connected to your account
    • Please note - If you upgrade a TrainingPeaks basic athlete to a TrainingPeaks Premium athlete, you cannot downgrade them for 14 days. 
  4. Athlete Group - the groups that your athletes are sorted into in your athlete library and are displayed in the Home and Group Calendar view. From the Manage Athletes page, you can move multiple athletes to different groups simultaneously using the dropdown in this column. Click the arrow next to the "Athlete" group at the top to sort by athlete group.
  5. Shared Coaches - shows any coaches to whom the athlete account is shared or indicates if the athlete's account is directly connected to another coach and is shared with you
  6. Disconnect/Share/Download report - Disconnect or share an athlete's account with another coach - can be done for each individual athlete on their own row or for all selected athletes on the top row. You can also download a .csv file report of the selected athletes for import into a spreadsheet program.
  7. Filters - displays only the athlete of a certain account type, group, or both.

If you have assistant coaches and are the billing group owner, there are additional actions you can perform from the Athlete Management page.

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