You can control the visibility of stock workouts in your Premium Athlete accounts.
Why are there stock workouts in my athlete's Workout Library?
TrainingPeaks Athlete Workout Library Stock Content
We added stock workouts created by coaches to help new athletes get started with TrainingPeaks so they can experience our tools in action.
Workouts have always been available in an athlete's Workout Library (Joe Friel's library comes standard with new TrainingPeaks athlete accounts), but we realize these workouts may be distracting for coached athletes.
How do I remove an athlete's workout visibility?
Content Management Location
If your athlete is a TrainingPeaks coach-paid Premium athlete*, these workouts are hidden by default unless you grant them access - they remain hidden with no action on your behalf.
*Self-paid Premium athletes will retain control over their Workout Library; coaches will not be able to hide the workouts.
Basic athletes can see these workouts by default, and you will need to upgrade their TrainingPeaks account to gain control of their ability to view these workouts.