How can I manage my Assistant Coaches and their Athletes?

If you are the billing group owner you can manage your Assistant Coaches and their Athletes from the same page that you manage your own athletes.




The billing group owner can do the following from this page:

  • Upgrade or downgrade attached athlete accounts
  • Reassign athletes to other coaches within your billing group
  • Change the account type of a coach in your billing group (Coach Edition or Coach Edition Unlimited)
  • Add or remove an athlete from a coach in your group
  • View the athlete account types of all coaches within your group

Please note, the billing group owner can only see the coaches that are apart of the billing group.  If the assistant coach is paying for their own account, the billing group owner will not be able to see them listed on this page.  Also, only the billing group owner can see and manage the billing group.  If you are an assistant in the billing group, you will not be able to manage any other coaches athletes.


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