When premium athletes upload or leave comments on a workout it can generate notifications that you can view to keep track of their progress. You can disable notifications at any time from your Account Settings
Access Notifications
TrainingPeaks offers two primary ways on the web app to view notifications.
Bell Icon
- From the calendar view, click the bell icon next to your profile picture and name.
- A pop-up window appears displaying all the latest notifications in chronological order.
- Click a notification for more details. The uploaded workout or comment associated with the workout will load and center over the TrainingPeaks calendar.
Coach Home
- From the calendar view, click 'Home' on the top tab.
- Coach home appears. The right hand explore contains a feed of all uploaded workouts, comments, and metrics.
- Click a workout, comment, or metric to view.
- You can also click on a specific athlete to filter the feed results for just that athlete, as well as click on the icons above the feed to narrow down results to just workouts, comments, or metrics.
Notification Settings
You can access your notification settings by clicking on your name in the upper right corner of your TrainingPeaks account or by clicking the gear icon in the notification center.
In your notifications settings, you can choose which notifications you would prefer to receive from each athlete.
- Notification Center - the bell icon in the upper right corner of you TrainingPeaks page
- Mobile - push notification on the TrainingPeaks mobile app
- Email - Post-activity comments and file uploads
By clicking the ▾ in any section you can further refine the type of notifications that you want (Completed workouts, Athlete Comments, or Threshold changes)
- Make sure you pare down the number of notifications you receive. If you're notified by every uploaded workout or comment, you may miss an important notification.
- Consider enabling email or mobile push notifications for high-touch clients because communication frequency and quality separate that service from low-touch clients.
Of Note
- All TrainingPeaks athletes can upload workouts and metrics add comments. Only Premium TrainingPeaks Athletes generate notifications, with the exception of suggested threshold notifications.
- Coaches who wish to receive email post-workout notifications from Premium athletes must verify the email they have on file in their account settings. If you're not receiving post-workout notification emails, make sure that your email is verified.