Sign up for a free Basic Athlete Edition account, or upgrade to Premium at any time to use our full suite of analysis and planning features.
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Basic vs Premium Benefits |
Basic |
Premium |
Log your training on web, iOS or Android. |
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X |
Upload workouts from 90+ devices and mobile apps. |
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X |
View workout and fitness summaries. |
X |
X |
Use with a training plan or a coach. |
X |
X |
Track your equipment usage. |
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X |
Track Peak Performances. |
X |
Plan future workouts. |
X |
Plan your season with the Annual Training Plan. |
X |
Build and use unlimited workout libraries. |
X |
Sync your calendar with Outlook, Google and iCal. |
X |
Dig deep into your intervals and efforts within individual workouts with Advanced Metrics and Charts. |
X |
Analyze your fitness trends with 30+ power, HR, pace, distance and other charts. |
X |
Target your perfect build and taper with the Performance Management Chart. |
X |
Make your numbers more accurate with data editing and elevation correction. |
X |
View Weather forecast. |
X |
See how your Peak Performances Compare with StackUp. |
X |
Share your Availability with your Coach. |
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