Get Started with TrainingPeaks Virtual (For Coaches)

Welcome to TrainingPeaks Virtual! In this article we'll walk you through how to download the app and connect TrainingPeaks account as well as how to create your custom team and organize a group event. 

Below we'll cover: 

  1. Download TrainingPeaks Virtual

  2. Connect your TrainingPeaks athlete account:

    • If you have an existing TrainingPeaks athlete account, click "Existing TrainingPeaks Account" on the login page and enter your TrainingPeaks athlete credentials to access TrainingPeaks Virtual
    • If you are new to TrainingPeaks, click "New TrainingPeaks Account"
      • Sign up for a TrainingPeaks athlete account that will be used for TrainingPeaks VirtualScreenshot 2024-11-19 at 10.24.35 AM.png
  3. Create your custom team:

    1. Download the template file (here) and add your custom design 
    2. Image will need to be 2048 x 2048 pixels in order to be added. 
    3. Identify and include the team manger(s) athlete account(s) username used to login to TrainingPeaks Virtual
    4. Submit your design, manager usernames, and team name to
    5. In approximately five days your team kit will then be integrated into the game and available to wear
  4. Organize a group event:

    Create a race, group ride, or group workout. Organizing your own event2024-11-20_10-29-29.gif
  5. Customizations:

Need Help?
Check out our Our Help Center for a comprehensive list of help articles on TrainingPeaks Virtual.

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